Meet Me At The Coffee House

Session Description
Effective learner-centered teaching centers on student interaction (Beldarrain, 2006). A “social environment conducive to learning” empowers synchronous and asynchronous collaboration (Maurino, Federman, & Greenwald, 2007, p. 129). Instructors can increase communication and collaboration through the use of online discussion boards, but it is sometimes challenging to push students past cursory reading and casual comments to genuine interaction and reflection. This presentation will explore the technological and pedagogical possibilities of online discussion boards. Participants will experience real-time collaborative resources to explore the use of forums and topics in organizing discussion boards, easily complete and record assessment of student contribution via associated rubrics, and incorporate multi-media resources in both instructor and student posts. Attendees will leave with strategies and resources ready for immediate classroom implementation.
Kathy Essmiller
Kathy Essmiller, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA
Kathy Essmiller is a PhD student in Educational Technology with the School of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Aviation at Oklahoma State University. Kathy is an OSDE certified teacher, with an undergraduate degree in Music Education from Kansas State University, a Master’s degree in trumpet performance from the University of Central Oklahoma, a Master’s degree in Education from Oklahoma State University, and a Graduate Certificate in Online Teaching from Oklahoma State University. Kathy has five years of secondary level teaching experience in Kansas, and eight years of experience designing and teaching secondary instrumental and general/technology/worship arts music courses in Oklahoma. Most recently Kathy served as the classroom music teacher for a Title 1 elementary school in the Oklahoma City area, and in the 2017-2018 academic year she is teaching Educational Technology to pre-service teachers at Oklahoma State University as well as participating as a Graduate Research Assistant in the OSU Emerging Technologies and Creativity Research Lab. Kathy’s research interests include the leveraging of digital resources to maximize the accessibility of arts instruction for all populations, the empowerment of creativity through playful approaches to study, online education, and the use of emerging technologies to facilitate problem identification and solutions.

A recording of this presentation is available.
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