M-Learning in Action: Language Learning Through Integrated Media and the Use of Smartphones

Session Description
Teaching language requires more than simply the linguistic component. Because language is not a static knowledge to grasp. It changes, develops and created by the people who are using the language. As Vygotsky (1978) notes, language is social, it develops and has the meaning when it is spoken by the people who are living in a social group, community or even a classroom. The culture aspect of language also fits into this discussion, as Khatib (2011) notes, the culture aspect of in language learning is crucial. Moreover, the exposed knowledge for the students are scattered out in the world of internet. The knowledge contains the culture, usage of language, social notions, current events and so much more. The variety and diversity of language and knowledge makes it more difficult for the individual teachers to manage and prepare a language classroom in this current day.

Educational platforms were introduced to the teachers to assist with the language learning process. For example, Quizlet for making flashcard games and quick online grouping format, Kahoot for word combos and guessing pictures, Google apps to collaborate online through a single document. The digitized devices and portable media makes the learning aspect more interactive, student-centered and provides variety to the students. More specifically, the educational platforms were not centered for the teachers but to the broader audience. In addition, the service itself varies too much and the teachers raised their voices that they want something for the teachers and made by the teachers.

In this roundtable, the presenter will share the app development for a m-learning research project based on integrated media in S. Korea. The app’s purpose is to gather the knowledge and teacher’s practice together in a single device. Moreover, the app provides a platform for the teachers to use in class and collaborate with other teachers, and in addition contribute to the growing knowledge of language teaching.

Ji-Young Seo
Ji-Young Seo, Kookmin University, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, South Korea
All Audiences

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